Join the Network

This tutorial introduces deploying a new node on AWS and join the Panacea Mainnet.

Launch an AWS EC2 Instance

Choose an AMI

Choose Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS 64-bit (x86) with SSD Volume Type.

Choose the instance type

Choose the m5.large instance type (minimum spec).

Configure instance details

Add a storage

Configure a Security Group

The P2P 26656 port must be exposed to other Panacea nodes. If your node will be in the VPC guarded by Sentry nodes, expose 26656 to only Sentry nodes (recommended). If not, expose it to anywhere. For details about Sentry nodes, please see the Tendermint guide.

The RPC 26657 and HTTP 1317 ports are for sending transactions/queries to your node. So, expose them to the network where you perform operational actions.

Connect to your EC2 instance and install prerequisites.

ssh ubuntu@<your-ec2-ip> -i <your-key>.pem

Install prerequisites by following the Installation guide.

Setup a New Node

These instructions are for setting up a brand new full node from scratch.

First, initialize the node and create the necessary config files:

panacead init <your_custom_moniker>

The moniker can contains only ASCII characters. Using Unicode characters will render your node unreachable.

Then, modify the timeout_commit in the ~/.panacead/config/config.toml as below.


timeout_commit = "5s"

After that, edit the ~/.panacead/config/app.toml file in order to enable the anti-spam mechanism and reject incoming transactions with less than the minimum-gas-prices:

# Validators reject any tx from the mempool with less than the minimum-gas-prices.
minimum-gas-prices = "5umed"

# NOTE: For the Testnet, please set minimum-gas-prices as "", so that no fee is required.

Now, your full node has been initialized!

Copy the Genesis file

Fetch the genesis.json file of the latest chain from the following links, and place it to ~/.panacead/config/genesis.json.

  • Mainnet:

  • Testnet:

Configure Seed Nodes

Your node needs to know how to find peers.

Seed nodes can be found in:

  • Mainnet:

  • Testnet:

Insert those <node_id>@<ip>s with 26656 port to the persistent_peers field in ~/.panacead/config/config.toml.

# Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
persistent_peers = "8c41cc8a6fc59f05138ae6c16a9eec05d601ef71@,cc0285c4d9cec8489f8bfed0a749dd8636406a0d@,1fc4a41660986ee22106445b67444ec094221e76@"

For more information on seeds and peers, see the Using Tendermint: Peers.

State Sync

Your node can rapidly sync with the network using state sync without replaying historical blocks. For more details, please refer to this.

To set state sync enabled, RPC servers and trusted block info (height and hash) are required.

You can use the following public RPC endpoints provided by Medibloc team.




trusted block info can be obtained via RPC.

curl -s | jq -r '.result.block.header.height + "\n" + .result.block_id.hash'
# 7700000 (height)
# 0D3E53F02ABCDDA8AAC1520342D37A290DDABE4C28190EE6E2C6B0C819F74D4A (hash)

Then, you need to edit several things in ~/.panacea/config/config.toml file.


enable = true

rpc_servers = ",," # rpc addresses
trust_height = <trusted-block-height>
trust_hash = "<trusted-block-hash>"
trust_period = "336h0m0s" # 2/3 of 21 days (unbonding period)

If your node have block history data previously synced, you need to clear the data first.

panacead tendermint unsafe-reset-all

Run a Full Node

Start the full node with this command:

panacead start

Check that everything is running smoothly:

panacead status

View the status of the network with the Block Explorer

  • Mainnet:

  • Testnet:

Join as a validator

If you want to participate in validating blocks as a validator, you can register yourself into the validator set by submitting a transaction.

For more details, see the CLI guide.

Last updated